Support for Writers

Why submit your writing?

It’s an exciting time for peer tutoring. As more secondary schools open peer tutoring centers and writing centers, the demand for information, strategies, and scholarship about this field is higher than ever before. In keeping with the mission of SSWCA, this journal seeks “to build community among secondary school writing and learning center directors, tutors, and partners; promote advocacy for peer-driven programs that transform schools by empowering student leaders; and support development and sharing of resources for new and existing centers across the United States.” Not only will your research contribute to this mission and build our community, but it will also give each contributor a chance to have their work read by our wider writing center community.

Adapting a SSWCA presentation into a JPTSS article

JPTSS Editor Jenny Goransson gives guidance for adapting a conference presentation to an article, or using the conference sessions you attended to fuel new research/writing ideas.

Ethical Research and Consent to Publish Forms

The JPTSS Editorial Board expects all authors to comply with research ethics protocols (e.g., IRB/HSRB review) as required by their corresponding institution, where relevant. If an article is accepted for publication, we will require authors to provide the following consent forms (see below), when needed: