Meet the 2022 Conference Co-Chairs

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Designing, planning, and hosting a national conference for secondary students and teachers would be a fulltime job for most. SSWCA is beyond fortunate to have this passionate and talented group of volunteers who are steering our ship with grace and expertise. As you craft proposals, practice presentations, and plan your virtual days, these are the SSWCA board members who are working tirelessly to make your experience as smooth and productive as possible. As volunteers, they do all this while teaching full-time and honoring their family commitments. The SSWCA community thanks these leaders and the entire SSWCA board for donating their time and talents.

*Due to COVID restrictions, the Secondary School Writing Centers Association’s tenth annual conference for secondary school writing and peer tutoring centers, directors, and administrators has been changed to a virtual event. We are excited to still offer the same quality sessions and mutual exchanges via an online platform. Our theme for 2022, “Revolutionary Partnerships”, continues to inspire us to engage in new ways and we encourage you to join us in interacting with this idea in March 2022.

Stacey Hahn: SSWCA Vice-President & Conference Co-Chair

Stacey Hahn’s passion for writing centers began when she worked as an undergraduate consultant at Central Michigan University. Inspired to one day direct a high school center, she completed her master’s with an emphasis in secondary school writing center work and has had the pleasure of directing high school centers in both Oregon and Idaho. Stacey recently moved to New York, where she is excited to continue teaching high school English and growing the writing center community. In addition to being a mom, Stacey enjoys triathlons, hiking, and adding to her dictionary collection.

Seth Czarnecki: Northeast Regional Representative & Conference Co-Chair

Seth Czarnecki is an English teacher and writing center director at Algonquin Regional High School in Northborough, MA. He received his Master’s in Secondary Education from the University of Massachusetts-Boston and is working on his second Master’s, this time in Literacy Studies. Seth believes writing centers can be places where learning is democratized and where power is returned where it belongs–with the students. When he’s not in the classroom, he can be found in the garden, baking bread, or running in the woods.

Vivian Blair: SSWCA Secretary and Conference Co-Chair

Vivian Blair directs the Writing Center at Episcopal Collegiate School in Little Rock, Arkansas, where she also teaches English and serves as a college counselor.  She received her M. A. in English from the University of Central Arkansas, where she worked in the writing center as both an undergraduate and graduate student.  For Vivian, writing center work is about positive, supportive relationships between peers as they strive together to communicate clearly and effectively.  When not at school, Vivian fly fishes with her husband Dan, trains her puppy Norah, reads, and talks about books with her friends.

For more information about SSWCA’s 2022 Virtual Conference, please visit our conference page and review our call for proposals.