SSWCA 2024 Schedule

UMass Boston & Online

We have crafted the following schedule to provide the best experience to both our in-person and virtual attendees. A later keynote and sessions allow for virtual attendee access across time zones. As well, all in-person attendee presentations will be scheduled to end at 2pm on Saturday to allow for those who need to leave earlier that day. Events marked with an asterisk (*) will be live-streamed.

Please see Whova for full schedule and attendee interaction. The following PDF is printable and provides another way to access the conference offerings.

Friday, March 15

Time (EST)Event
8-8:45amRegistration and Breakfast (provided)
8:50-9:20amWelcome, President’s Address, and Awards*
9:30-10:45amSession A
noon-1pmLunch (provided)
1-2:15pmSession B
2:25-3:40pmSession C
3:50-5:05pmSession D / Roundtables
5:05-6:45pmDinner (on your own)
6:45-7:45pmBad Poetry Social (Cancelled)
8pmDirector Social (off-site)

Saturday, March 16

Time (EST)Event
8-8:45amRegistration and Breakfast (provided)
8:50-10:05amSession E
10:15-11:30Session F
11:30-12:45Lunch (on your own)
12:45-2pmSession G
2:10-3:25pmSession H / Roundtables