Grants and Scholarships

As part of SSWCA’s mission to build community among, promote advocacy for, and support development of secondary school writing centers, we offer the following grants, waivers, and scholarships.

Conference Grants and Waivers

(click on the names for details)

General Grants and Scholarships

(details below)


This grant offers funding to individuals from SSWCA member schools who have been accepted to present at another conference about SSWC/peer tutoring topics. The grant will offset costs associated with travel, lodging, etc. in order to make presenting more accessible to leaders in our community.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: SSWCA members only who have been accepted to present at a related conference or host a “special interest group” or similar conference event

PURPOSE: This grant offers funding to present at another conference about SSWC/peer tutoring topics. Conference examples include: NCTE, IWCA, NCPTW, regional WC conferences, tutoring-adjacent conferences, etc. The presentation must be centered around SSWC or tutoring. The recipient may also be hosting a conference event related to tutoring or SSWC work (SIG). Additionally, small groups of WCs who want to get together regionally to host a “mini-regional” conference for directors/tutors in their area can also apply for funding.

AWARD AMOUNT: up to $250 

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Rolling basis; awarded within the month 


  • Must be a current SSWCA Member
  • Demonstrate Financial Need 
  • Presentation demonstrates the goals or mission of SSWCA. Provide presentation title and description of the session and explain the connection to SSWCA mission.
    • The Secondary School Writing Centers Association (SSWCA) exists to build community among secondary school writing and learning center directors, tutors, and partners; promote advocacy for peer-driven programs that transform schools by empowering student leaders; and support development and sharing of resources for new and existing centers across the United States.
  • Recipient hasn’t received the grant within the last three years
  • Quality of application 

IF AWARDED: SSWCA attribution in presentation and a post-conference report in either the form of a JPTSS article or blog post


Connections are vital to sustaining our centers. This grant supports members in meeting up with other centers or center-hopefuls in their area to share experiences, generate ideas, and foster community. 

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: SSWCA members (Only one center/individual applies. Other center/individual does not need to be a SSWCA member.)

PURPOSE: This grant offers funding to connect with others in our community whether directors, tutors, or full centers, including sibling centers. Directed towards regions (for in-person meet-ups), this grant could also be used for virtual meet-ups.  Some examples of meet-up cost coverage might include materials, food, coffee, gas, busing, or other “extras” that will help make your connection meaningful and memorable. 

AWARD AMOUNT:  Up to $100 sliding scale 

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Rolling basis; awarded within the month


  • Applying individual must be a current SSWCA Member
  • Brief explanation of use 
  • Recipient hasn’t already received funds for current school year

IF AWARDED: Directors send a picture of the meeting to share with the rest of the community. Option to write a testimonial of experience.


Secondary school writing and peer tutoring centers would not exist without the efforts of dedicated students. This scholarship recognizes seniors in high school who have gone above and beyond in sustaining and improving their center community.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: The Student Impact Scholarship is open to all applicants who are enrolled in schools that are a part of SSWCA and who are current members of the center in any way (Ex: Tutors, Tutor Leaders, Student Directors, and Team Members). All applicants will be considered regardless of race, socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation or any other background factors. We are looking for young leaders who have demonstrated passion and commitment to supporting the mission of transforming schools by empowering peer-centered writing and learning.

PURPOSE: The Secondary School Writing Center Association’s Student Impact Scholarship is a $500 post-secondary education scholarship awarded to two high school seniors who have demonstrated excellence in their school’s writing/tutoring center.



  • Open starting in February 2025 
  • Due April 15th 2025
  • Winners will be contacted by May 15, 2025


  • Applying individual must be student at a current SSWCA Member School
  • Must be a high school senior planning to pursue postsecondary education
  • Answer application question in a 500-750 word essay and have director/teacher submit recommendation
    • How have you made an impact on your writing/tutoring center and your broader school community, and how has this work impacted your personal growth?


  • Community Impact – The applicant has made a clear and significant impact on their schools center. This could include specific examples, conference presentations, writing for JPTSS or one-on-one tutoring stories. The applicant has clearly demonstrated their community impact passion and personal experiences.
  • Application Quality – The applicant powerfully conveyed the impact they have had on their Writing Center/Tutoring Center AND the impact that this work has had on them in the space allotted. The writing is clear and effective.
  • Strength of Director/ Teacher Reference – The applicant’s director or teacher has provided strong support for the applicant to receive this award. 


  • Recipients will be featured in Journal of Peer Tutoring in Secondary Schools
  • SSWCA has the right to ask for video and pictures of the recipient for social media use to celebrate their accomplishments

Email with any questions.