Each issue of The Journal of Peer Tutoring in Secondary Schools features several SSWCA member schools from across the country. These profiles reveal a vast range of the way centers are serving their school communities, and they offer wonderful ideas to those starting and currently running centers. Below is a map and a list of the profiled centers with hyperlinks to their published profiles.
Note: Profiles are not updated after they are published, so information was accurate at the time of publication, but may not be accurate at the time of accessing and reading.
Albemarle High School Peer Tutoring Center (VA)
Alexandria City High School (VA)
Bishop Conaty, Our Lady of Loretto High School (CA)
Central Bucks High School South (PA)
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge (LA)
Hisar School (Istanbul, Turkey)
Louisville Collegiate School (KY)
Peters Township Middle School Writing Lab (PA)
Provo High School Writing Center (UT)
Saline High School Writing Center (MI)
St. Anne’s Belfield School (VA)
Stephen Decatur High School (MD)
Spotlighted SSWCA Directors
This page was the result of students writing in to nominate their director for outstanding work. Please check out some of the wonderful people running secondary centers around the country.