Spring 2021: Volume 1, Issue 1
JPTSS Editorial Board and SSWCA Board Members
Editorial Introduction
Growing Our Scholarship through The Journal of Peer Tutoring in Secondary Schools
Amber Jensen, JPTSS Editor, Brigham Young University (UT)
Renee Brown, SSWCA President, Peters Township Middle School (PA)
SSWCA Inclusivity Statement
Secondary School Writing Centers are Sites of Social Justice Work: A Preamble to SSWCA’s Inclusivity Statement
Kate Hutton, Herndon High School (VA)
SSWCA Inclusivity, Equity, and Accessibility Statement for Secondary School Writing and Peer Tutoring Centers
Approved by the SSWCA Board April 17, 2021
Tutor to Tutor
Reviving Student Research: Strategies for Tutoring Student Research Papers
Alexandra Wong, Johns Hopkins University (MD)
Voices from the Center
The Dread of Judgment: How Friendship Impacts Tutoring
Chloe Truong, Algonquin Regional High School (MA)
Learning from the Past
Transformations from the Center Panel: Third Annual Secondary School Writing Centers Conference, October 2013
Learning from the Past: Editorial Introduction
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
How Tutoring Has Transformed Me as a Learner and a Leader
Susana Zelaya, Edison High School Writing Center (VA) Tutor
How Tutoring Has Influenced My Transition into College
André Sanabia, University of Virginia (VA) Student
Justine Burke, George Mason University (VA) Student
The Power of Peer Tutoring to Transform Learning in a School
John Banbury, Oakton High School (VA) Principal
From the Director’s Chair
Janice Jewell, Herndon High School Writing Center (VA) Director
Matthew Kasper, St. Paul’s School Writing Center (MD) Director
Book Review
The Rowman and Littlefield Guide for Peer Tutors
Melissa Morgan, West Springfield High School (VA)
Profiles of Secondary Centers
Profiles of 2020 Jensen-Hutton Grant Award Recipient Schools
Meridian High School (ID)
St. Anne’s Belfield School (VA)
Profiles of Selected SSWCA Member Schools
Skyline High School (MI)
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge (LA)