Directory of JPTSS Articles by Subject
What is a Secondary School Writing Center?
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
Renee Brown, Peters Township Middle School (PA)
3.1: Secondary School Writing Centers over Forty Years: A Review of the Literature, 1982–2023
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
Jenny Goransson, George Mason University (VA)
Andrea Hilton Haverlock, Orem High School (UT)
Lucy Leishman, Washington Irving Middle School (VA)
Benefits and Impact of SSWCs
1.2: Principals Panel, Capital Area Peer Tutoring Association (CAPTA) Connects Conference, October 2015
Pamela Ellison Brumfield, Edison High School (VA)
Martin Grimm, Hayfield Secondary School (VA)
William Bates, Herndon High School (VA)
Amy Hale, Rustburg High School (VA)
Martha Rodeheaver, Oakton High School (VA)
1.2: The High School Writing Center as a Center for Social-Emotional Learning
Stephanie Behne, Leyden High School District 212 (IL)
1.1: The Power of Peer Tutoring to Transform Learning in a School
John Banbury, Oakton High School (VA) Principal
Jennifer Wells, New College of Florida (FL)
4.1: Writing Center R/Evolutions (Editorial Introduction)
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
2.2: Writing Center Work in Troubled Times: People, Passion, and Purpose
Jeffrey Austin, Skyline Writing Center (MI)
Christine Modey, University of Michigan (MI)
Director Role
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
1.1: From the Director’s Chair
Matthew Kasper, St. Paul’s School (MD) Director
Janice Jewell, Herndon High School (VA) Director
2.2: How Kindergarten Tactics Can Help with Tutoring Dual Enrollment Students
Megan Hoffman, Fresno City College (CA)
1.2: I’m Okay . . . Are You? The Emotionally Complex Labor of the Secondary Writing Center Director
Kelly Crespo, Downey High School (CA)
2.1: Innovation, Resilience, and Persistence: SSWCs Thrive and Adapt in a Time of Change (Editorial Introduction)
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
Diversity and Inclusion in the Center
4.2: Amplifying Voices: Increasing ELL Student Engagement in the Writing Center
James Deblock and Sarah Erickson, Minnetonka High School (MN)
1.2: Building Diverse Tutoring Centers with Affinity Spaces
Christopher Haswell, Emily Collins, Morgan Busbee, Lauren Giesler, Ryan Lofland, Etowah High School (GA)
2.1: Inclusivity in the Writing Center
Isabela Snow and Julia Srnec, Minnetonka High School (MN)
2.2: Our Center Is A Safe Space
Dayla Lessem Elnecave, Lane Tech College Prep High School (IL)
Kate Hutton, Herndon High School (VA)
Partnering beyond the School
1.2: Developing a Public Community Writing Center During Covid-19
Jessica Hoffman, University of North Carolina (NC)
2.2: Making Possibility Reality through a Revolutionary Partnership
Alexandra Kirby, Salem High School (MA)
Albert C. DeCiccio, Salem State University (MA)
Bill Coyle, Salem State University (MA)
Partnering within Schools
3.1: Collaboration in the Writing Center: When the Pieces Fit Together
Stephanie Behne, Leyden High School District 212 (IL)
2.2: Connecting People, Places, and Ideas Across SSWC Networks (Editorial Introduction)
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
4.1: Wash, Rinse, and Revise: Restyling the Writing Center
Anushka Saha, Central Bucks South High School (PA)
2.1: When a Writing Center Becomes a Learning Center: An Activity Theory Analysis
Jenny Goransson, George Mason University (VA)
Tutor Leadership
3.1: 2023 Tutor Impact Scholarship Winner Essays
Hailey Salvatore, Central Bucks High School South (PA)
Mikalah Quillen, Cherokee High School (GA)
4.2: 2024 Tutor Impact Scholarship Winner Essays
Apollo Marks, Central Bucks High School South (PA)
Cass Melo, Algonquin Regional High School (MA)
3.1: Can Peer-Tutoring Dispositions Transfer to Leadership Skills?
Annie Meng, Albemarle High School (VA)
1.1: How Tutoring Has Influenced My Transition into College
André Sanabia, University of Virginia (VA) Student
Justine Burke, George Mason University (VA) Student
1.1: How Tutoring Has Transformed Me as a Learner and a Leader
Susana Zelaya, Edison High School Writing Center (VA) Tutor
Tutor Training
3.1: Accompaniment in the Writing Center: SSWCA Conference Keynote 2023
Lisa Zimmerelli, Loyola University of Maryland (MD)
4.2: Ahead of the Code: How Writing Centers Can Proactively Examine AI
Cass Melo, Willow Paradise, Eshan Naik, Rowan Camp, Ashley Ly, Sarah Curran, Abigaile Or, and
Nicholas Southey, Algonquin Regional High School (MA)
4.2: AI, In-Class Essays, and the Writing Center
Jos Buffington, Celia Hitchcock, and Abby Hudson, Minnetonka High School (MN)
4.2: Evaluating Visual Representation Strategies for Use in the Writing Center
Naomi Au and Savanna Larson, Minnetonka High School (MN)
3.1: Finding an Emotional Middle Ground: Activities for Fostering Empathy in Younger Tutors
Renee Brown, Peters Township Middle School (PA)
Carla McCue, Peters Township Middle School (PA)
4.1: Learning Beyond the Center: A Case Study on Leveraging Data about Informal Learning to Create an Inclusive and Accessible Center
Benjamin Klieger and Keshav Narang, Stanford Online High School (CA)
2.1: Reimagining the Elective Course: Scrum Master Leadership Meets Peer Tutoring
Heather Barton, Etowah High School (GA)
1.1: Reviving Student Research: Strategies for Tutoring Student Research Papers
Alexandra Wong, Johns Hopkins University (MD)
3.1: Taking Creative Risks in the High School Writing Center: Fostering Creative Agency
Elaina Antonich, Geraldine Public Schools (MT)
1.1: The Dread of Judgment: How Friendship Impacts Tutoring
Chloe Truong, Algonquin Regional High School (MA)
1.2: The How, What, and Why of Tutor-Run, Director-Supported Secondary School Writing Centers
Elizabeth Daley, Academy of Choice (TX)
4.1: The Mindful Tutor in You: Secondary School Writing Centers Association (SSWCA) Conference Keynote, March 2021
Alexandria Peary, Salem State University (MA)
4.2: Planting Seeds of Confidence: Nurturing Student Writers Through Imposter Syndrome
Michelle Boyd Waters, University of Oklahoma (OK)
2.1: The Self-Assessed Course: A Revolutionary Approach to Grading in Peer Tutoring
Hannah Baran, Albemarle High School (VA)
2.2: Think Tank Sessions: An Alternative Training Method to Mock Tutorials
Valentin Melo, Lane Tech College Prep High School (IL)
4.2: Summoning Our Collective Power: SSWCA Conference Keynote, 2024
Felicia Rose Chavez
Virtual/Online Tutoring
2.1: A Shift in Perspective: A High Schooler’s Experience Leading and Tutoring during COVID Transitions
Duke Jenkins, Kennesaw State University (GA)
2.1: Decentering and Recentering: Finding Connection in Times of Change
Amber Jensen, Brigham Young University (UT)
4.1: Learning Beyond the Center: A Case Study on Leveraging Data about Informal Learning to Create an Inclusive and Accessible Center
Benjamin Klieger and Keshav Narang, Stanford Online High School (CA)
2.1: Virtual Writing Lab: An Idea That Has a Lasting Effect on Tutors
Alaina Abbatto, Peters Township High School (PA)
Book Reviews
1.1: The Rowman and Littlefield Guide for Peer Tutors
Melissa Morgan, West Springfield High School (VA)
1.2: The Revitalized Tutoring Center: A Guide to Transforming School Culture
Stacey Hahn, SSWCA Vice President
2.2: Student Writing Tutors in their Own Words: Global Voices on Writing Centers and Beyond
Jessie Wiggins, George Mason University (VA)
2.2: The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop: How to Decolonize the Creative Classroom
Jamie Davis, North Salem High School (OR)
4.1: Talk About Writing: The Tutoring Strategies of Experienced Writing Center Tutors, 2nd Edition
Vivian Blair, Episcopal Collegiate School (AR)
SSWCA Conference Proceedings
2.1: Revolutionary Partnerships: SSWCA 2022 Conference in Review
Stacey Hahn, Amsterdam High School (NY)
3.1: Writing at the Center: SSWCA 2023 Conference in Review
Jenny Goransson, George Mason University (VA)
3.1: Writing at the Center: SSWCA & NVWP 2023 Conference Proceedings
4.2: Planting, Nurturing, Pruning, Thriving: SSWCA & BWP 2024 Conference Proceedings
Profiles of SSWCs
1.1: Meridian High School (ID)
1.1: St. Anne’s Belfield School (VA)
1.1: Episcopal School of Baton Rouge (LA)
1.2: Albemarle High School Peer Tutoring Center (VA)
1.2: Algonquin Writing Center (MA)
1.2: Peters Township Middle School Writing Lab (PA)
1.2: Vistamar Writing Center (CA)
2.1: Hisar School (Istanbul, Turkey)
2.2: Hockaday School (TX)
2.2: Minnetonka High School (MN)
2.2: Stephen Decatur High School (MD)
3.1: Bishop of Conaty, Our Lady of Loretto High School (CA)
3.1: Renaissance High School (ID)
4.1: The Ethel Walker School (CT)
4.1: Longmeadow High School (MA)
4.2: Louisville Collegiate School (KY)
4.2 Northwestern High School (SC)
4.2 Central Bucks High School South (PA)
4.2 Alexandria City High School (VA)