2024-25 Digital Roundtable Series

SSWCA hosts digital roundtables on various topics of interest to secondary school writing and peer tutoring center directors and tutors throughout the year.

All meetings are held on Zoom. As always, our member schools participate in these sessions for free; join or renew your membership here. For the 2024-25 school year, Digital Roundtables are free for all registrants, whether they are SSWCA members or not.

All individuals who want to participate must register ahead of time for each digital roundtable of interest. Space is limited to allow participants to engage in small-group, collaborative discussions. Registered participants are emailed a Zoom link and guiding questions a prior to the digital roundtable. For security reasons, we cannot admit individuals who are not pre-registered, so please ensure the name on your Zoom account matches the name you used to register.

Questions and suggestions for future roundtable discussion topics can be emailed to admin@sswca.org. 


Tutor Open Forum February 18th at 7pm

Facilitated by Madelyn Engstrom (Central Bucks High School South) and Adham Elbaragah (West Springfield High School)

If you would love to contribute to the writing center community as a student, this digital roundtable is for you! The SSWCA Conference is being held virtually and in-person this March, and students are strongly encouraged to participate as an attendee or a presenter. This roundtable will focus on the importance of being a tutor, and serves as a platform for tutors to discuss concerns they might have or solutions. There will also be helpful tips for students already attending a presentation for the SSWCA Conference. Interested? Join us on February 18th!

Register here!


AI in the Writing Center

SSWCA 101 for Tutors

Director Tips & Tricks for Conference Travel

Workshop for Directors: Writing an Article for JPTSS

Open Forum

New Director

Determining Areas of Growth

The Elective Course

Talk with The Journal of Peer Tutoring in Secondary Schools Editors

Director Speed Dating: Making Professional Connections

Tutor Recruitment

All-subject Learning Centers

Goal Setting and Prep for Next Year

Tutor-led open forum discussion

Converting your conference presentation into a JPTSS article

Beyond the English Department (Writing Across the Curriculum initiatives, etc.)

Managing goals/expectations and setting boundaries

To read about our past digital roundtables, check out our blog!